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Spain Spain · San Sebastian de losa Reyes
todocine rating:
Sci-Fi. Fantasy. Romance David Norris (Matt Damon), a rising young politician in New York City, loses badly in a bid for the Senate. Going into the bathroom to compose his concession speech, he encounters ballerina Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt) hiding in a stall from security after crashing a wedding. The two strike it off and then unexpectedly kiss before David is called to go on stage. Due to her inspiration, he gives a rousing off-the-cuff speech. Some time ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
July 10, 2011
3 of 4 users found this review helpful
Siempre que te sientas para ver cine intentas ver algo diferente, y Destino Oculto lo logra. Un film fresco, sin pretensiones pero que te deja un regusto que no todas las películas lo logran. Se nota George Nolfi se cree su trabajo al dirigir esta película, y una reseña no se pierdan el detalle de las puertas...
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