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Harold Angel rating:
Comedy Zucker, Abrahams, and Zucker--of AIRPLANE! and NAKED GUN fame--wrote and directed this genre-hopping slapstick juggernaut which lampoons World War II spy films and Elvis movies, making many other satirical stops along the way. East Germany is planning a cultural festival, and invites rock-and-roll singer Nick Rivers (Val Kilmer) (but only after Leonard Bernstein can't make it). The festival, however is a mere distraction so that the ... [+]
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  • es
May 25, 2012
3 of 4 users found this review helpful
Para mi gusto la mejor película de los creadores del humor absurdo basado en disparatados gags visuales. Los hermanos Zucker y Jim Abrahams estuvieron especialmente inspirados al dirigir esta divertida parodia de los filmes sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Personajes alocados, buenos chistes y la presencia estelar de Omar Sharif y Peter Cushing con el debut de Val Kilmer.
Harold Angel
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