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Cantamañanas rating:
Mystery. Thriller Why is death and violence so fascinating? Is it morally correct to show violence in movies? If so, is there a limit to what we should show? That's the subject of Ángela's examination paper. She is a young student at a film school in Madrid. Together with the student Chema (who is totally obsessed with violent movies) they find a snuff movie in which a young girl is tortured and killed. Soon they discover that the girl was a former student at their school... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
October 1, 2005
4 of 7 users found this review helpful
Rodaba con un presupuesto muy ajustado Alejandro Amenábar sorprendía con un genial debut con una intriga excelente y manejada a la perfección. No deja respirar de principio a fin. Genial. Su mejor obra.
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