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Bolivia Bolivia · La Paz
The Mags rating:
Sci-Fi. Action Los Angeles in the year 1996. Voilence and terror rule the streets and nothing and nobody is safe. Simon Pheonix is one the worst criminals that Los Angeles has seen. There is only one man who can stop him. L.A.P.D. officer John "Demoltion Man" Spartan. However, When John apprehended Pheonix, he was surprisingly an accessory to Pheonix's recent crime and was also sent to a new prison system called a "Cryo Prison". However, during John ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
July 30, 2008
3 of 18 users found this review helpful
No se como le pudieron dar luz verde a tan estúpida historia. Si bien el comienzo no está nada mal; una vez que nos transportamos a un insufrible, hortera y absurdo futuro (cuyo concepto es un verdadero insulto a la inteligencia del espectador) no dejan de suceder incoherencias y tópicos que en el peor de los casos intentan ser graciosos fracasando miserablemente (la escena de “sexo” entre Sly y Bullock).

De la mediocridad de los actores no hay mucho que comentar (Snipes ridículo, Bullock de pena y Sly como siempre). Por lo demás es absolutamente prescindible.
The Mags
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