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BlackSwan rating:
Fantasy. Kids. Adventure The German Wolfgang Petersen (Das Boot, In the Line of Fire) made his first English-language film with this 1984 fantasy about a boy (Barret Oliver) visualizing the stories of a book he's reading. The imagined tale involves another boy, a warrior (Noah Hathaway), and his efforts to save the empire of Fantasia from a nemesis called the Nothing. Whether or not the scenario sticks in the memory, what does linger are the unique effects, ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
April 18, 2007
5 of 11 users found this review helpful
iscariote tienes razón, es que siempre confunden las cosas... mira el señor de los anillos, si llegan a plasmar toooodoooo lo que había en el libro no solo le salen 3 partes sino 20, demasiadas cosas para plasmarlas todas, además por que son difíciles de crear puesto que es fantasía y no todo se puede hacer realidad... ;-)

No sean tan intransigentes :-P

Black Swan
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