Murderess (2023)Publish Date: January 17, 2025Though 'Murderess' is not without its arresting moments, the inflexibility of its approach proves to be a fatal flaw
Back in Action (2025)
Alarum (2025)
Publish Date: January 14, 2025"[It] ekes genuinely unsettling mileage from a cheesy concept"
Ad Vitam (2025)Publish Date: January 12, 2025"An energetic but conflicted suspense vehicle that’s caught between modest character moments and over-the-top set-pieces."
The Prosecutor (2024)Publish Date: January 9, 2025"Has the storytelling energy and visual panache to smooth over the rough spots"
Eat the Night (2024)Publish Date: January 9, 2025"Even through a thin plot, 'Eat the Night' earns its noir stripes by staring into that abyss"
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