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Leguizamo Does America tv seriesdocumentary

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Original title
Leguizamo Does America
United States United States

TV Series. Documentary
In "Leguizamo Does America," John Leguizamo travels across the country to bring viewers inside America's thriving Latino communities - all with his characteristic edge, energy, and wit. From San Juan to East L.A. with some surprising stops in between, Leguizamo will celebrate the history, culture, food, and other contributions of Latinx people shaping America, from young actors sharing their heartfelt stories at a Washington, D.C. Latino theater, to the immigrants who transformed the city of Chicago and the indigenous people of Puerto Rico who invented barbecue. It's part politics, part road trip, and part history lesson, all wrapped in a vintage Leguizamo adventure, showcasing the fastest-growing demographic in the nation.
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