The Camden 28 documentary
- Original title
- The Camden 28
- Year
- 2007
- Running time
- 83 min.
- Country
United States
- Director
- Cast
- Music
- Cinematography
- Genre
- Documentary | Vietnam war
- Synopsis
- The Camden 28 explores how and why 28 individuals intentionally placed themselves at risk of arrest and imprisonment while protesting the war in Vietnam. Featuring a treasure of archival materials and current interviews with former FBI agents involved in the case and scholars such as Howard Zinn, The Camden 28 is a story about a potent form of dissent that has special relevance to our current political climate.
- Awards
2007: Writers Guild of America (WGA): Nominated for Best Documentary Screenplay
- Critics' reviews
"Though the filmmaking is pedestrian, 'The Camden 28's' timeless truths come through with resounding power."
"Fond, stinging, and finally instructive, the film assembles a comprehensive look back at the actions, arrest, and prosecution of a group of political malcontents in the summer of 1971."
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