Eight Men Out
- Original title
- Eight Men Out
- Year
- 1988
- Running time
- 120 min.
- Country
United States
- Director
- Screenwriter
- John Sayles. Book: Eliot Asinof
- Cast
- John Cusack
- Clifton James
- Michael Lerner
- Christopher Lloyd
- Charlie Sheen
- David Strathairn
- D.B. Sweeney
- John Mahoney
- Michael Rooker
- Perry Lang
- Don Harvey
- John Sayles
- Kevin Tighe
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- Drama | Based on a true story. Sports. Baseball
- Synopsis
- Eight Men Out tells the true story of the infamous 'Black Sox' scandal of 1919, in which the White Sox players deliberately lost the World Series. The movie places the scandal in the context of a labor dispute between the players and their then all-powerful team owner, and how mobster Arnold Rothstein took advantage of the dispute. The result was a human tragedy for players like "Shoeless" Joe Jackson.
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- Awards
1996: Satellite Awards: Nominatd for Best Drama Film & Original Screenplay
- Critics' reviews
"It's a masterpiece of exposition and compression. An allegorical examination of a transitional period in U.S. history."
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