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Comedy. Drama. Fantasy Shortly after completing Sonatine, director Takeshi Kitano conceived of a film about an ordinary guy who enters an imaginary world inside his own head. This idea comes to fruition in Kitano's latest feature, Takeshis'. Kitano acts opposite himself, playing both the ordinary guy - also named Kitano - and the director's real-life alter-ego, TV and cinema star "Beat" Takeshi. He infiltrates the fascinating world of his own unusual ... [+]
JfSquall: favorite reviews of Takeshis'
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  • 03/20/2007
    500% Kitano Great
    Lo primero es lo primero: recomendaría Takeshis' a muy poca gente. Es una de esas películas que o bien se aman o bien se odian, y en este caso mucho me temo que la mayoría de gente la odiaría. Y no ... Read full review
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