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The Pursuit of Happyness

Drama Chris Gardner (Will Smith) is a family man struggling to make ends meet. Despite his valiant attempts to help keep the family afloat, the mother (Thandie Newton) of his five-year-old son Christopher (Jaden Christopher Syre Smith) is buckling under the constant strain of financial pressure. No longer able to cope, she reluctantly decides to leave. Chris, now a single father, continues to doggedly pursue a better-paying job using every ... [+]
Renton: favorite reviews of The Pursuit of Happyness
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  • 11/6/2012
    Pura propaganda capitalista Awful
    La película es un burdo panfleto neo-con que pretende demostrar que la posición social de cada persona es un fiel reflejo de su talento natural y su esfuerzo. Con gran descaro muestra como el “sueño ... Read full review
  • 11/6/2012
    En bu$ca de la complicidad Awful
    • 2003. George W. Bush decide invadir Iraq para conseguir petróleo. Resultado: cientos de miles de civiles muertos en una guerra que no termina y el beneplácito de la mayoría del pueblo ... Read full review
    by: Shelby
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