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Spain Spain · las palmas
olimpo rating:
TV Series. Sci-Fi. Fantasy. Thriller Struggling as a bartender and surrogate mom to her teenage sister, Jaime Sommers (Michelle Ryan, "EastEnders") didn't think life could get much harder. But when a devastating car accident leaves her at death's door, Jaime's only hope for survival is a cutting-edge, top-secret technology that comes at a hefty price. With a whole new existence and a debt to re-pay, Jaime must figure out how to use her extraordinary abilities for good, ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
March 31, 2009
2 of 2 users found this review helpful
Ya la antigua serie carecía de algo, en su momento pensé que eran efectos especiales. Con esta nueva adaptación de la mujer biónica ha quedado solventado ese pequeño punto, pero se queda a medio camino, sin ser mala de todo. Lo peor es que no engancha a pesar de su guión correcto.
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