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Spain Spain · Zaragoza
cassavetes rating:
Drama. Romance Match Point is a drama about a young man's rise in society and the terrible consequences of his ambition. The protagonist is torn between two women and finding no way out, resorts to extreme action. The actors are all English and it is set amongst the English upper class with Scarlett Johansson playing the beautiful American girl who comes between Jonathan Rhys Meyers and his wife Emily Mortimer. Matthew Goode is Emily's wealthy brother ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
January 6, 2006
2 of 4 users found this review helpful
La ópera por el jazz, Londres por Manhattan, pero el mejor Woody Allen vuelve en forma de drama. Un clásico moderno que conseguirá ganar puntos cada vez que se visione. Un Allen a ratos sombrío, como pocas veces, que viene a demostrar que, más allá de sus propias afirmaciones, es un director altamente dotado para el drama.
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