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Mexico Mexico · Monterrey
Leonel rating:
Thriller Graham Marshall already celebrates his anxiously awaited promotion in an advertising company, when he learns that Roger Benham, one of his subordinates, will be promoted instead of him. Frustrated that his hated life will never change, he starts a cunning ploy to take bloody revenge on everyone who humiliated him - starting with his unnerving wife.
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  • es
June 24, 2015
7 of 7 users found this review helpful
Un filme de media tabla, de bajo presupuesto, pero que cuenta un un gigante como Michael Caine.

La típica película que te encuentras a media tarde, sin nada mejor que hacer, de la que nada sabías. Y..... Buena.
Buena 'a secas', pero mejor que muchas otras súper-producciones con 100 veces mas presupuesto.

SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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