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Spain Spain · Málaga
Germán rating:
Comedy The Game Plan tells the story of rugged superstar quarterback Joe Kingman, whose Boston-based team is chasing a championship. A "serial bachelor," Kingman is living the ultimate fantasy: He's rich, famous, and the life of the party. But this dream is suddenly sacked for a loss when he discovers the 7-year-old daughter he never knew he had--the product of a last fling before parting years ago with his young wife. Now, during the most ... [+]
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  • es
June 22, 2008
2 of 4 users found this review helpful
Pagaría por ver una pelea a muerte entre mis actores más odiados: Steven Seagal y The Rock Johnson. Me parecen a cual más patético. En el caso del protagonista de esta película, da vergüenza ajena ver como lo exhiben como si de un oso del circo se tratara: "mira, aunque es enorme, sabe bailar"; "mira, sabe poner muecas"... No me quiero ensañar porque, al fin y al cabo es para niños...
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