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Spain Spain · sevilla
cayabe rating:
Film noir. Thriller. Action A collection of interweaving stories all based in the corrupt, crime infested hell-hole that is Basin City. Heavily influenced by film-noir, the main storylines concern a hulking brute called Marv, who is seeking the murderer of a beautiful woman who was killed while asleep in bed with him (along with the help of her twin sister); a photographer called Dwight who is callously used by a manipulative woman and seeks revenge, only later ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
February 27, 2006
97 of 117 users found this review helpful
Relaciones entre desconocidos que se juran lealtad hasta la muerte. Tipos duros a los que es imposible tumbarles la mirada, cigarrillos que se consumen en un extremo de la boca, barbas de tres días que ornamentan arquitecturas de rostros que no conocen la piedad.
El rojo de unos converse o un cadillac que destaca entre la sobriedad del blanco y negro. Jessica Alba que se erige majestuosa sobre las tablas del escenario. Sangre que tiñe el asfalto. Una sonrisa que se dibuja en la cara de Frank Miller.
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