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Spain Spain · Las Palmas G.C.
Valerio rating:
Drama Set in the central California town of Visalia, a secret life of youth is exposed, where teens are doing things that their parents would rather not think they even know about, let alone do. "Ken Park" is about four families in Visalia, California, about 3 young boys and a girl who has been friends since they were little, and about how they handle (or not handle) their lives and relationship to their parents. Like in Larry Clark's earlier ... [+]
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  • es
May 24, 2005
8 of 17 users found this review helpful
No quiero pasarme de rosca al criticar a esta película. Simplemente decir que Larry Clark parece que disfruta rodando todo tipo de escenas sexuales explícitas de adolescentes. Si por lo menos hubiera una justificación sería, pues eso, justificable. Pero es que detras de estos adolescentes "retozando" hay la más absoluta nadedad. Una vergüenza.
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