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Argentina Argentina · Buenos Aires
Black Floyd rating:
Drama Danzig in the 1920s/1930s. Oskar Matzerath, son of a local dealer, is a most unusual boy. Equipped with full intellect right from his birth he decides at his third birthday not to grow up as he sees the crazy world around him at the eve of World War II. So he refuses the society and his tin drum symbolizes his protest against the middle-class mentality of his family and neighborhood, which stand for all passive people in Nazi Germany at ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
June 28, 2011
28 of 52 users found this review helpful
David Bennent es un engendro que jamás debió nacer; además se parece en forma alrmante a Anthony Hopkins y ese detalle ya me enferma. La película es un sinfín de situaciones estúpidas y asquerosas protagonizadas por este bicharraco hediondo y repugnante. El tambor de hojalata es vulgar, idiota, vacía, pedante; una mierda en realidad. Admiro a todo ser viviente capaz de encontrar en esta garcha algo digno de apreciar.
Black Floyd
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