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Spain Spain · Vitoria
Gorka rating:
Fantasy. Adventure. Drama Human barbarism and warfare have ravaged the landscape. Noah, a peaceful man, just wants to live a righteous life with his family. Every night, Noah has visions of death by water, followed by renewed life on Earth. He's sent word from the Creator that a great flood is coming that will destroy the world and all life. When Noah begins to build a giant ark in order to save himself, his loved ones and two of every species from the impending ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
January 10, 2022
0 of 2 users found this review helpful
Sencillamente esta película solo entretiene y poco más.
Esta película no aspira a contar la historia de Noe de la biblia sin mayor esfuerzo, sinceramente los efectos especiales dejan un poco que desear y los diseños de los monstruos tampoco son buenos.
En actuaciones la película se dedica a cumplir y poco más.
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