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Spain Spain · madrid
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Romance. Comedy. Drama As the snow falls on their wedding night, newlyweds John and Jenny Grogan decide to leave behind the harsh winters of Michigan and head south to begin their new lives in West Palm Beach, Fla. They obtain jobs as journalists at competing local newspapers, buy their first home, and begin to make their way through the challenges of a new marriage, new careers and, possibly, the life-changing decision to start a family. Unsure of his ... [+]
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  • es
November 17, 2013
6 of 10 users found this review helpful
No tengo duda alguna de que el director de esta película aborrece los perros. La moraleja de la historia resulta más bien un mensaje directo: "no tengas perro nunca". Sino es así, no encuentro explicación alguna a lo que he visto.
El resumen a la moraleja a continuación.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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