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Spain Spain · Colmenar Viejo
arturg rating:
Thriller. Action. Horror Taking place in 1983, Red is a lumberjack who lives in a secluded cabin in the woods. His artist girlfriend Mandy spends her days reading fantasy paperbacks. Then one day, she catches the eye of a crazed cult leader, who conjures a group of motorcycle-riding demons to kidnap her. Red, armed with a chainsaw and other weapons, stops at nothing to get her back, leaving a bloody, brutal pile of bodies in his wake.
Language of the review:
  • es
July 16, 2022
3 of 4 users found this review helpful
Para ver en una sala oscura con buena pantalla y buen aparato de sonido.
Tiene de todo: amor, secuestro, venganza, algo de sadismo, secta, algo de acción, drogas, alucinaciones, posibles extraterrestres o materialización de los oscuros instintos, ochenterismo...

Es cine rarito, no apto para todos lo públicos.
Nicolas Cage sólo pone su cara de loco característica (sonríe con los ojos muy abiertos) sólo en un momento al final.

Por momentos me ha recordado a Under the Skin (2013).
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