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dpedemonte rating:
Horror. Thriller The Professor, dedicated to the belief that supernatural beings such as vampires and werewolves do not exist, has been re-elected chairman of a local committee dedicated to proving this to the masses. But that night he finds a visitor inexplicably in his study, who claims to be the 400 year old son of Nostradamus the Alchemist and demands that he be acknowledged publicly as such so that he may rebuild his father's cult. When the ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
May 5, 2014
2 of 2 users found this review helpful
Aceptable película de corte terrorífico, muy en boga en México en la década del 60, Historia con cierta fragilidad, y actuaciones muy de telenovela. Sin embargo, la cinta dividida en tres episodios, logra entretener. Aparece muy joven el recientemente fallecido Julio Alemán. Habrá que revisar el resto de la saga para evaluarla en perspectiva.
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