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Spain Spain · Madrid
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Sci-Fi. Fantasy. Action. Thriller In the near future, Computer hacker Neo is contacted by underground freedom fighters who explain that reality as he understands it is actually a complex computer simulation called the Matrix. Created by a malevolent Artificial Intelligence, the Matrix hides the truth from humanity, allowing them to live a convincing, simulated life in 1999 while machines grow and harvest people to use as an ongoing energy source. The leader of the ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
May 20, 2011
18 of 62 users found this review helpful
Esta película es cine basura en los tiempos de la televisión basura, de la información basura, de la radio basura y, en definitiva, de la cultura basura para adolescentes educados en el lodazal del ciberespacio. Cine basura realizado con tecnología punta. Este bodrio con pretensiones de "cine trascendente", es uno de los ejemplos paradigmáticos de que el cine como arte ha muerto.
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