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David Alberto Campos rating:
Sci-Fi. Thriller Set in a future Earth (2035 A.D.) where robots are common assistants and workers for their human owners, this is the story of "robotophobic" Chicago Police Detective Del Spooner's (Smith) investigation into the murder of Dr. Miles Hogenmiller, who works at U.S. Robotics (run by Greenwood), in which a robot, Sonny (Tudyk), appears to be implicated, even though that would mean the robot had violated the Laws of Robotics, which is ... [+]
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  • es
December 17, 2007
3 of 5 users found this review helpful
Ciertamente, es preferible a la trillada propuesta de Matrix-revolutions. Pero no es para celebrar: persiste la pobreza de ideas, continúa la "acción a toda costa" (olvidando las otras dimensiones de su género), sigue la interminable sequía de héroes pensantes (de esos que creó el maestro de maestros, Julio Verne, al que Proyas debe intentar leer algún día). En todo caso, se les aplaude el esfuerzo por salir del laberinto.
David Alberto Campos
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