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Antuan La nuit rating:
Animation. Fantasy. Comedy A newlywed develops a strange lump on his neck that gives him the ability to transform people or objects at will. His wife is very upset. Meanwhile, the CEO of Smilecorp learns of this man and his ability and sees a way to achieve world domination if only the man can be taken alive.
Language of the review:
  • es
October 3, 2006
7 of 10 users found this review helpful
Fresca, chispeante, irónica, soez, un poco gore, entretenida, políticamente incorrecta, no muy larga..., total que he pasado un buen rato viendo esta película de animación que me ha sorprendido gratamente.

Voy a por la otra de este mismo director de cabeza.
Antuan La nuit
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