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MFEnguita rating:
Drama Andrew Crocker-Harris, "The Crock" as his students call him, knows he isn't loved like the fictional Mr. Chips, but in the span of just over a day he is forced as Robert Burns would say, "to see ourselves as others see us." Michael Redgrave, the father of the British theatrical family and himself a former schoolmaster, brings a quiet resolve to the role of a man coming to terms with the failure of his life. His much younger wife, Jean ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
February 21, 2016
1 of 1 users found this review helpful
Muy buena versión de una magnífica obra de teatro de Terence Rattigan.
A diferencia de la epopeya típica del género "cine escolar" no habla de une exitoso profesor que encandila a sus alumnos, etc., sino de uno que fracasa en conseguir siguiera un mínimo reconocimiento de su parte, sea para sí o para lo que enseña (excepto del encantador, compasivo y algo invasivo Barlow).
No tiene pérdida la sórdida descripción, como panorama de fondo, de una anónima "public school" (escuela privada) clarendoniana.
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