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Spain Spain · girona
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Drama "The Blind Side" depicts the remarkable true story of Michael Oher, a homeless African-American youngster from a broken home, taken in by the Touhys, a well-to-do white family who help him fulfill his potential. At the same time, Oher's presence in the Touhys' lives leads them to some insightful self-discoveries of their own. Living in his new environment, the teen faces a completely different set of challenges to overcome. As a ... [+]
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  • es
March 4, 2011
1 of 1 users found this review helpful
Lo mejor: Sandra Bullock y que una historia similar haya sido posible
lo peor: manipuladora, ñoña, exageradamente americana
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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