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Spain Spain · Almonte
oSk2019 rating:
Thriller A young man stumbles upon the underground world of L.A. freelance crime journalism. Lou Bloom (Jake Gyllenhaal) is not having much luck with his job search. After witnessing an accident, he quickly finds himself caught up in the underground and nocturnal world of freelance crime journalism, scouring Los Angeles for gruesome crime-scene footage. Lou becomes entranced with this world and quickly progresses in the field, even beating the ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
August 24, 2019
2 of 2 users found this review helpful
Muy buena película, ambientación logradísima para lucimiento de un ¨Gyllenhaal¨ en estado de gracia que surfea sobre un guión sin fisuras en lo que resulta ser una cinta lugubre y macabra con toques de humor sarcástico que te harán soltar alguna carcajada, muy recomendable para amantes del buen cine.
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