Buffy the Vampire Slayer tv series
- Original title
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Year
- 1997
- Running time
- 44 min.
- Country
United States
- Director
Joss Whedon (Creator), James A. Contner, David Solomon, David Grossman, Michael Gershman, Bruce Seth Green, Nick Marck, James Whitmore Jr., See 20 More
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Sarah Michelle Gellar
- Alyson Hannigan
- Nicholas Brendon
- Anthony Head
- James Marsters
- David Boreanaz
- Emma Caulfield
- Michelle Trachtenberg
- Kristine Sutherland
- Charisma Carpenter
- Amber Benson
- Seth Green
- Marc Blucas
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
Mutant Enemy, Kuzui Enterprises, Sandollar Television, 20th Century Fox Television. Broadcast by: FOX- Genre
- TV Series. Fantasy. Action. Drama. Horror | Vampires. Witchcraft. Werewolf. Monsters. Supernatural. Horror Comedy. Schools & University. TV Series adaptations from Movies
- Movie Groups
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Synopsis
- TV Series (1997-2003). 7 Seasons. 145 Episodes. After the traumatizing ordeal in the movie with the same name, Buffy Summers and her mother move to Sunnydale, only to discover that L.A. was just a walk in the park... Buffy Summers looks like your typical perky high-schooler, and like most, she has her secret fears and anxieties. However, while most teens are worrying about their next date, their next zit, or their next term paper, Buffy's angsting over the next vampire she has to slay. See, Buffy, a young woman with superhuman strength, is the "chosen one," and she must help rid the world of evil, namely by staking demons.
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- Awards
2003: Emmy: Nominated for Best Visual Special Effects2002: Emmy: 4 Nominations, Including Best Music Direction2000: Emmy: 3 Nominations, Including Best Writing1999: Emmy: Nominated for Best Make-up and Sound Editing1998: Emmy: Best Music and Make-up. Nominated for Best Hairstyling1997: Nominated for Emmy: Outstanding Makeup
- Critics' reviews
"The winsome Sarah Michelle Gellar is a huge improvement over bubblehead Kristy Swanson as the new Buffy, moving with her mom to the 'one-Starbucks town' of Sunnydale, Calif. She's cute and pert but nobody's fool."
"The performances are generally strong, but the devilishly clever, culturally hyper-attuned dialogue (...) is what makes this stand out."
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