The Mighty Ducks
- Original title
- The Mighty Ducks
- Year
- 1992
- Running time
- 93 min.
- Country
United States
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Emilio Estévez
- Joss Ackland
- Lane Smith
- Heidi Kling
- Josef Sommer
- Joshua Jackson
- Elden Henson
- Shaun Weiss
- M.C. Gainey
- Matt Doherty
- Brandon Quintin Adams
- J.D. Daniels
- Aaron Schwartz
- See all credits
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Genre
- Kids. Action. Comedy. Drama | Sports. Ice Hockey. Family-friendly
- Movie Groups
- The Mighty Ducks
- Synopsis
- Gordon Bombay (Emilio Estevez), a hotshot lawyer, is haunted by memories of his childhood, when, as the star player in his champion hockey team, he lost the winning goal in a shootout, thereby losing the game, and the approval of his coach. After being charged for drunk driving, the court orders him to coach a peewee hockey team, the worst in the league, Gordon is at first very reluctant. However, he eventually gains the respect of the kids and teaches them how to win, gaining a sponsor on the way and giving the team the name of The Ducks. In the finals, they face Gordon's old team, coached by Gordon's old coach, giving Gordon a chance to face old ghosts.
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