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A Bunny's Tale TV

Original title
A Bunny's Tale
Running time
104 min.
United States United States
Article: Gloria Steinem
Drama | TV Movie
TV film based on American feminist icon and journalist Gloria Steinem's experiences working as a Playboy Bunny in 1963. Engaged by a magazine to write an investigative article on publisher Hugh Hefner's nightclub chain, Ms. Steinem (Kirstie Alley) poses as a young girl named "Marie" and enters the Bunny training program at the New York Playboy club. Outfitted with phony ears, fuzzy tail and revealing costume, Gloria learns the proper method of serving drinks (the "bunny dip") and how to fend off customers who ignore Hefner's "look but don't touch" policy. She also concludes that being a sex object, even a chaste one, is depressingly demeaning -- an "awakening".
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