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Princess Mononokeanimation

Princess Mononoke
1997 Japan
Animation. Fantasy. Adventure A prince is infected with an incurable disease by a possessed boar/god. He is to die unless he can find a cure to rid the curse from his body. It seems that his only hope is to travel to the far east. When he arrives to get help from the deer god, he finds himself in the middle of a battle between the animal inhabitants of the forest and an iron mining town that is exploiting and killing the forest. Leading the forest animals in the ... [+]
Yeryo: favorite reviews of Princess Mononoke
Validated reviews 2
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  • 08/21/2007
    Miyazaki no tiene techo Great
    Magna obra del genio japonés, con la que se daría definitivamente a conocer en todo el mundo, antes de su consagración con la multipremiada "El viaje de Chihiro". El director nipón demuestra ... Read full review
    by: jag
  • 07/19/2007
    imprescindible obra maestra Excellent
    Cuando llegó a mis manos en VHS esta película, tenía 10 años. Recuerdo que me puse a verla y que me encantó, aunque en aquel momento no me di cuenta de la obra maestra que acababa de presenciar. Era ... Read full review
    by: Aitzi
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