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2021 Denmark
Documentary Zimbabwe is at a crossroads. The leader of the opposition MDC party, Nelson Chamisa, challenges the old guard ZANU-PF led by Emmerson Mnangagwa, known as "The Crocodile." The election tests both the ruling party and the opposition.
Media Author Review
United States
"It’s never less than gripping, and will likely reach more eyeballs than its predecessor (...) Nielsson’s filmmaking maintains its poise and intelligence" 
United Kingdom
"It’s the testimony of ordinary folk (...) that makes Nielsson’s film so chilling (...) DoP Henrik Bohn Ipsen really captures the atmosphere of Zimbabwe" 
United States
The New York Times
"The way this film confronts the fragility of democracy and the ever-looming possibility of violence hit home for this American viewer in a way that was both harrowing and humbling." 
United States
"It’s infuriating but necessary viewing to better understand the struggles that exist outside of our own borders" 
United States
"Measured and methodical, Nielsson’s 'President' is a devastating, heartened report of democracy in peril against a dictator" 
United States
"The movie delivers everything you need to know to recognize the troubling state of Zimbabwe’s current rulership (...) 'President' will resonate for any viewers for whom the idea of corrupt elections is still raw." 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"'President' is in-the-moment documentary storytelling of the highest order" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"[It] exudes a passion for politics that corrals viewers into the relatively uncharted political territory of Africa" 
United States
The Film Stage
"A stunning work of deep journalism that proves just how fragile and messy democracy can be, especially in the hands of a ruler who lacks respect for his nation’s newly written constitution" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"What 'President' does well is show that linear narrative is not necessarily the point in the fight for democracy. Victory might not be immediate, but the people's hope for change will never die (…) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
"The Danish filmmaker has a terrific eye (...) 'President' is unforgivingly, often painfully long, but she crams a whole lot into it –including descriptions of extremely violent incidents surrounding the elections" 
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