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The Mist

Horror. Mystery David Drayton and his young son Billy are among a large group of terrified townspeople trapped in a local grocery store by a strange, otherworldly mist. David is the first to realize that there are “things” lurking in the mist…deadly, horrifying things…creatures not of this world. Survival depends on everybody in the store pulling together…but is that possible, given human nature? As reason crumbles in the face of fear and panic, David ... [+]
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  • 09/30/2019
    Encerrados en un supermercado. Interesting
    No entiendo los que esperaban otra cosa, tal vez si que critiquen el final que es completamente diferente a la novela, el resto es muy fiel, incluso en los diálogos algunos calcados de la novela.Read full review
    by: Manuel
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