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Frances Ha

Comedy. Drama Greta Gerwig stars as Frances, an apprentice in a dance company who wants so much more than she has but lives life with unaccountable joy and lightness. Frances is 27 and lives with her best friend Sophie in New York. She is busy reinventing her career as a dancer. Again. And again. Although it’s been a while since she graduated, a fully functioning professional life still seems like a distant dream. Even though her jobsearch ends in ... [+]
nando7: favorite reviews of Frances Ha
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  • 08/31/2015
    En los vértices del tiempo Very good
    Uno crece y aunque no quiera, ve cómo los años de juventud y universidad van quedando atrás. Esos amigos que eran tan cercanos empiezan a sentar la cabeza mientras tú sigues con ganas de hacer el ... Read full review
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