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The Docks of New York

Film noir. Drama. Romance The ship on which Bill Roberts is a stoker has just put into port, giving the crew one night ashore. The ship's bad-tempered third engineer orders the stokers to clean up, while the engineer heads for a dockside bar, where he has a confrontation with the wife he had abandoned. Then, as Bill himself goes ashore, he sees a young woman attempt to drown herself. Bill dives in, saves her, and then, assisted by the engineer's wife, sees that ... [+]
Quim Casals: favorite reviews of The Docks of New York
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  • 09/12/2012
    Una delicia muda Great
    Séptimo largometraje del realizador Josef von Sternberg (1894-1969) (“El ángel azul”, 1930). El guión, del acreditado Jules Furthman, adapta el relato “The Dock Walloper”, de John Monk Saunders. Se ... Read full review
    by: Miquel
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