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Slightly Scarlet

Film noir. Drama Kleptomaniac Dorothy Lyons is paroled from prison in custody of her sister June, secretary to "reform" political candidate Frank Jansen. Ben Grace, associate of crime boss Sol Caspar, sees this as a way to smear Jansen's campaign. But after falling out with Caspar, Ben tries to help June, who he begins to fall for. Sexy Dorothy also has a yen for Ben. June is reluctantly forced to go along with Ben's schemes, but there may be more to these than meets the eye...  [+]
Piano y yo: favorite reviews of Slightly Scarlet
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  • 12/29/2018
    Ligeramente genial Very good
    Excelente ejemplo de como una "típica" película de serie B puede sublimar sus limitaciones y convertirse en un clásico a la altura de otras obras aparentemente mayores y realizadas con más ... Read full review
    by: kepamk
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