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Delfy and His Friendstv seriesanimation

TV Series. Animation. Adventure. Kids TV Series (1992). 2 Seasons. 91 Episodes. The series focuses on Delfy the dolphin and his friends and their underwater adventures throughout the sea when in every episode they are compelled to defended their habitat from the schemes of a greedy eagle, his kangaroo assistant and a group of sharks.
chikan: favorite reviews of Delfy and His Friends (TV Series)
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  • 08/11/2008
    La basura del delfín Poor
    Delfy es tu fiel amigo
    Delfy es sensacional
    Delfy estará contigo

    ¿Delfy? ¿la mierda de dibujo esa es sensacional y estará conmigo? ¡ Va de retro Satanás!

    Los ... Read full review
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