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Sci-Fi. Drama She's known it since she was a young girl, when she would magically connect with distant voices on her father's shortwave radio. She's known it since college, when she chose the search for intelligent extraterrestrial messages as her discipline. She's known it since she bargained for just hours a week of satellite time to sweep the heavens for evidence. And she knows it every time she stares at the countless stars dappling the infinite ... [+]
el_desertor: favorite reviews of Contact
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  • 03/28/2013
    Revuelta en el cine Coliseum Good
    No entraré a valorar los méritos cinematográficos que pueda tener esta, para mi, bastante correcta película de ciencia ficción, pues por mucho que me esfuerce jamás podré separar el momento en el que ... Read full review
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