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Sands of Iwo Jima

War John Marion Stryker is the ultimate Marine, a tough rifle squad leader who in 1943 is assigned a squad of new recruits saddled with three veterans and an old enemy of Stryker's from previous duties in the Far East. One recruit in particlar is a source of friction with Stryker, Peter Conway, whose father was Stryker's CO at Guadalcanal and who felt his son was too soft and cowardly to be a Marine. The squad grows more and more resentful ... [+]
Airam: favorite reviews of Sands of Iwo Jima
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  • 04/20/2021
    Iwo Jima. Very good
    Relato en blanco y negro de una de las batallas más duras que se produjeron en la guerra del Pacífico, la conquista de la Isla de Okinawa, que permitía el acceso directo a las Islas del Japón, en base ... Read full review
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