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Smurfs (The Smurfs' Adventures)tv seriesanimation

Smurfs (The Smurfs' Adventures) (TV Series)
1981 Belgium
Peyo (Creator), George Gordon ...
TV Series. Animation. Fantasy. Kids TV Series (1981-1989). 427 Episodes. The Smurfs are little blue creatures that live in mushroom houses in a forest inhabited mainly by their own kind. The smurfs average daily routine is attempting to avoid Gargomel, an evil man who wants to kill our little blue friends. A long running and popular cartoon show.
elmer: favorite reviews of Smurfs (The Smurfs' Adventures) (TV Series)
Validated reviews 1
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  • 11/14/2008
    Pitufos. ¿Seres diabólicos? Good
    Como la serie de Los Pitufos ya tiene sus críticas y poco más que añadir hay, voy a centrar la mía en esa leyenda urbana que siempre rodeó a estos simpáticos seres. Porque aunque algunos no lo sepan, ... Read full review
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