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Uncle Hyacynth

Drama Jacinto (Antonio Vico) is a former matador of bulls long ago withdrawn, who lives with his small nephew "Pepote"(Pablito Calvo), when he receives a letter reminding that needs to be submitted in a bullfight that is going to hold. Jacinto believes he is a joke, and was furious, until that collecting cigarette butts of cigars with his nephew in the vicinity of the Bullring of "Las Ventas" sees that it is true that he figure in the cartel ... [+]
juanito: favorite reviews of Uncle Hyacynth
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  • 01/16/2011
    Neo-realismo español Great
    Obra maestra del cine español injustamente desconocida, debida a un director de gran talento como es Vajda. Tierna pero nunca blanda, de estremecedora sensibilidad sin recurrir al sentimentalismo ... Read full review
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