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Sci-Fi. Horror When commercial towing vehicle Nostromo, heading back to Earth, intercepts an SoS signal from a nearby unexplored planet, the crew are under obligation to investigate. After a bad landing on the planet, some crew members leave the ship to explore the area. At the same time as they discover a hive colony of some unknown creature, the ship's computer deciphers the message to be a warning, not a call for help. When one of the eggs is ... [+]
Penguin: favorite reviews of Alien
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  • 11/20/2017
    Los ojos del felino Very good

    La llegada del Nostromo al anónimo planeta perdido, con toda su parafernalia logística, contiene mucho de la fascinación científica que nutrió la ficción literaria y cinematográfica de ... Read full review
    by: Nuño
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