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Labor Day

Romance. Drama. Mystery Set in 1987 over the late summer holiday weekend, Labor Day opens with divorced, depressed single mom Adele clothes shopping with her 13-year-old son, Henry. They encounter a large, fearsome man — who also happens to be bleeding badly. He asks for a ride, and against all judgment, they give him one. As police search town for the escaped convict, the mother and son gradually learn his true story and their options become more and more limited. [+]
Quim Casals: favorite reviews of Labor Day
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  • 12/10/2014
    Momentos Very good
    Para algunas personas la vida es eso.
    Es esperar veinte años para vivir los mejores cinco días que puedas recordar.
    Henry es una de esas personas. Y su madre, Adele.
    ... Read full review
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