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The Golden Compass

Fantasy. Adventure. Comedy. Action Based on author Philip Pullman's bestselling and award-winning novel, The Golden Compass tells the first story in Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. The Golden Compass is an exciting fantasy adventure, set in an alternative world where people's souls manifest themselves as animals, talking bears fight wars, and Gyptians and witches coexist. At the center of the story is Lyra, a 12-year-old girl who starts out trying to rescue a ... [+]
Little Miss Whatever: favorite reviews of The Golden Compass
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  • 04/15/2009
    ¿Polvo cósmico? Poor
    Será el de la Kidman.

    [Crítica demasiado corta.]


    Nicole, cielo, nos vemos en Eyes Wide Shut. Y si tienes frío, yo te Kubrick.

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