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Captain Fantastic

Drama Ben (Viggo Mortensen) is a devoted father of six children. They live a secluded life in the isolated forests of the Pacific Northwest. The children, who never come into contact with any other people, are raised on a rigorous physical and intellectual schedule. They hunt for their own food, with large, serrated Bowie knives. When their mother, who's been hospitalized due to a number of mental ailments, commits suicide, the children want ... [+]
Alberto M Laguía: favorite reviews of Captain Fantastic
Validated reviews 1
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  • 07/19/2021
    Maravilla oculta Excellent
    Vitalista, tierna, original, fascinante, emotiva, extravagante, crítica, inteligente, mordedora, punzante, seria, feliz, profunda, valiente, genial y maravillosa. Probablemente falten adjetivos en ... Read full review
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