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Red Beard

Drama In the Nineteenth Century, in Japan, the arrogant and proud just-graduated Dr. Noboru Yasumoto (Yuzo Kayama) is forced to work in the Koshikawa Clinic, a non-profit health facility ruled by Dr. Kyojio Niide (Toshirô Mifune), a.k.a. "Red Beard". "Red Beard" is a good, sentimental, but also very firm, strong and fair man. While in the clinic, Dr. Yasumoto becomes responsible for healing the hurt teenager Otoyo (Terumi Niki), and he learns ... [+]
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  • 01/28/2023
    El doctor. Excellent
    235/02((02/07/09) Akira kurosawa es uno de los más grandes directores del séptimo arte y lo es por Obras Maestras como esta. “Barbarroja” es un trabajo sublime, una cinta universal llena de humanismo ... Read full review
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