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The Wire (TV Series)

TV Series. Thriller. Drama TV Series (2002-2008). 5 Seasons. 60 episodes. This unvarnished, highly realistic HBO series follows a single sprawling drug and murder investigation in Baltimore. Told from the point of view of both the police and their targets, the series captures a universe of subterfuge and surveillance, where easy distinctions between good and evil, and crime and punishment, are challenged at every turn. The first season concentrated on the ... [+]
Josey Wales: favorite reviews of The Wire (TV Series)
Validated reviews 2
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  • 09/23/2013
    De Baltimore Great
    Acabo de terminar de ver ésta gran serie, aunque bien podría decirse que no se trata de una serie realmente, sino de algo que formará parte de mí para el resto de mi vida. SÍ, porque lo bueno se hace ... Read full review
  • 03/25/2010
    Gloria a la HBO Excellent
    Dos guionistas televisivos se reunen para hablar de la creación de una serie policíaca.

    El primero de ellos dice de hacer una serie sobre un grupo de científicos forenses que investigan, ... Read full review
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