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Horror Part fish! Part snake! All killer! A hybrid creature – half piranha, half anaconda attacks a movie crew on location near her nest when her egg is stolen. They must outrun and kill the deadly piranhaconda as well as stop the mad scientist who stole the egg before they all become dinner. In a world like none other and with outstanding special effects the ScyFy Channel out does their production reputation. In the end, only Jack and Talia ... [+]
Sines Crúpulos: favorite reviews of Piranhaconda (TV)
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  • 01/1/2014
    OBRA MAESTRA Excellent
    Piraña + Anaconda el cocktail perfecto para una noche de buen cine

    Una vez más Jim Wynorski nos sorprende con un film dirigido a espectadores con ganas de buen cine. Trama bien lograda, ... Read full review
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