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The Time in Between (TV Series)

TV Series. Drama. Romance. Adventure Set in Madrid and in the spanish -at that time- city of Tanger, in Morocco from 1935 into 1941, the story centers on young dressmaker Sira Quiroga (Adriana Ugarte), daughter of a single mother who works as a seamstress in Madrid. She learns the trade as well, which is fortunate when she finds herself without resources in Morocco just as the civil war in Spain breaks out. How she manages to overcome legal obstacles and flourish amid ... [+]
Quim Casals: favorite reviews of The Time in Between (TV Series)
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  • 01/29/2014
    Puntadas invisibles Excellent
    No tengo ni idea de costura. No sé dar una puntada. A lo más que llego es a coser botones o zurcir calcetines. No entiendo nada de las técnicas ni del corte, y de telas tampoco sé gran cosa. Bastante ... Read full review
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